Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Supreme Court Ruling on MAP

The Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision to make it easier for manufacturers to require retailers to honor manufacturer assigned Minimum Advertised Price (MAP). Dissenting justices said that the ruling would likely drive up retail prices. What will be the ruling of the consumers?

The high court's decision overrules an existing anti-trust statute that made MAP agreements illegal. In the future, courts will evaluate each individual case to determine if it violates anti-trust laws. With regards to the old anti-trust statute, Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote, "It is a flawed anti-trust doctrine that serves the interests of the lawyers."

The Consumer Electronics Association issued the following statement, "CEA applauds the Supreme Court decision today reversing the per se rule against resale price maintenance. The Supreme Court holding that the "rule of reason" should apply to the legality of manufacturer pricing decisions, means simply that all the facts will be examined before a finding of illegality - replacing a black and white rule of illegality in every case. Reasonableness has come back to the antitrust laws, and in consumer electronics industry, where sales training, industry marketing, and after-sales service are highly valued by manufacturers and reputable retailers, it makes perfect sense to consider these factors when evaluating a manufacturer's requirement that threshold prices be maintained."

With this ruling, new lines for measuring anti-trust will be determined by judges on a case by case basis. Each case will document and establish boundaries for future reference.

Level Playing Field?

One possible outcome of the ruling is that it creates an opportunity to level the playing field between major retail enterprise like Best Buy, Circuit City and Wal-Mart with the locally owned independent dealers. If a manufacturer requires all locations to honor the manufacturer imposed Minimum Advertised Price, then it is feasible that a product may have exactly the same price regardless of the sales channel.

For end-user consumers, if there is sudden consistency in retail pricing from every location, then different considerations would become more important in the decision making process. If there is no competitive price advantage between online options and brick-and-mortar neighborhood retail stores, then consumers may be swayed by convenience, installation options, service or speed of delivery. Service and Solutions could begin to take precedence over price and performance.

Although the move could create competitive consistency for the Minimum Advertised Price for consumers, it does not imply that the same will apply to the purchasing power of the large retail chains. Even if the retail price is the same to consumer, companies like Costco, Wal-Mart and Best Buy will still have significantly stronger purchasing power in comparison to the smaller chains or resellers. Although the price to big retail would not go up, the margin and profit could benefit from consistent retail pricing. Increased margin would enable big buyers to become more competitive in other areas of the business.

Derivative Product

A common method of maneuvering between the desire to maintain a high price and high value associated with a particular model compared to the desire to increase market share with a burst of low cost product has been to leverage derivative models and burst SKU's. By changing a few features, disabling a component, modifying the color or the label on the product, manufacturers have been able to provide low cost cousins to high value flagship products in the past. The new ruling by the high court would make this practice even more attractive for manufacturers and retailers to control price by product. This type of control may be a healthy necessity as plummeting prices have reduced the perception of some technology in consumer electronics to commodity status.

Business Finds a Way

The Supreme Court has removed a large stone from the center or the rapidly moving stream of Consumer Electronics business. With time, there will be a series of smaller stones placed in the stream as various advocates challenge and test the boundaries of reasonableness in court. Despite the expense of litigation and the inevitable stones that will be placed in it's path, business and commerce will adjust the flow just as fast flowing water continues to find a way downstream.

The ruling itself is an acknowledgement of a significant change in the marketplace for technology in commerce. The number of brands and manufacturers competing on Consumer Electronics is much larger and more diverse today than in the past. It is mush easier to establish new brands with direct access to dealer channels for original equipment manufacturers. How will the up and coming brands respond to the ability to designate Minimum Advertised Price in comparison to the desire for a bigger piece of the market share pie? Price and demand can not be dictated locally in a global market.

The advent of personal media that can be downloaded from the Internet and stored on personal devices has virtually wiped out an entire market of retail music stores in the blink of an eye. Record Stores are now few and far between, primarily relegated to small sections inside of consumer electronics retail stores or bookstores. Online music venues offer easy options for artists, albums or single tracks. It was not a Supreme Court ruling that imposed such a dramatic change to the industry, but rather the fast flowing course of business as determined by consumer demand.

Have you tried to use a public pay phone lately? Could you find one now if you needed it? Cell phones are not free to manufacture, but they can be free from a carrier if you sign-up for service. If the cell phone manufacturers impose a Minimum Advertised Price for the product, will it be the carrier or the consumer who pays the price? Ultimately, the individual or entity that pays the price may determine which product is in stock and which product sells.

Will it be a court ruling that determines the future of satellite radio, or will it ultimately be defined by consumer demand? Did satellite dishes replace cable networks or merely create an alternative in an existing market that was once ruled by radio waves and rabbit ear antennas? It was not necessary for the courts to require competing alternatives between VHS and BETA, or to interfere with the format war between Blu-Ray and HD DVD. Business finds a way.

We salute the Supreme Court for a ruling that acknowledges a fundamental rule of business. The Courts will not determine preservation or pricing, consumers will.


Words of Wisdom

"If you can not fill up the lake with the cup that you have, what makes you think that you can fill up the ocean with the same cup?"
- Samson Eshetu

"For decades we all competed in what I would call an 'invent and assert' industry. We would create new technologies and then we asserted - we projected and marketed - what we thought the technology could be used for. We have reached a point in our evolution where we can no longer be an industry driven by gizmos and guessing. We cannot grow this industry on that basis. Instead, we have to be driven by the needs of our clients."
- Samuel J. Palmisano, chairman and CEO, IBM

"The only new thing in the world is the history you don't know."
- Harry S. Truman

John Mehrmann is an author, speaker and industry expert with Executive Blueprints Inc. Caterina Blog52771
Aida Blog63178

Use of Videoconferencing Services for Home and Business Users

MyVideoTalk provides innovative communications technologies are changing the way the world's videocommunity communicates, trains, markets, and educates. Our videocommunications platform includes live video webmeetings, email video messaging, website videostreaming and videowebcalling.

Today with customizable video solutions for the individual, small business, as well as enterprise markets which are easy to use, quickly deployed ,and provide an exceptional user experience. MyVideoTalk business model provides a very powerful opportunity to start your own global internet business right from the comfort of home or office marketing the latest internet communication technologies.

MyVideoWebChat features a multiparty robust live streaming audio and video web chatting platform that does not require any downloads. This breakthrough videocommunications product permits member-to-member communication via multiple, resizable video windows. MyVideoWebMail which is a Streaming videoemail! Record, save and send is all it takes to "put yourself" in the home or office of the people with whom you communicate

MyVideoTalk offers one of the highest quality, user friendly and versatile streaming video email solutions in the marketplace today. MyVideoTalk's versatility offers the latest and most extensive high end features for the corporate user, but is so user friendly that the personal user may send greetings to friends and family members with ease. MyVideoTalk is your solution. Streaming video on demand by MyVideoTalk streaming video is the perfect way to enhance your website and ensure that visitors see and hear what you have to say

With MyVideoTestDrive system, you can build your global customer base quickly and easily as all you have to do is send them to your videotestdrive page - allowing them to "try before they buy!" MyVideoConnect doesn't just provide the prospect's phone number, but actually allows you to introduce yourself live and in person.MyVideoConnect facilities the relationship that is essential in business. MyVideoWebMeeting is more than just one-way broadcast communication. It is true interactive communication. MyVideoWebMeeting quality and reasonable pricing make it a feasible solution for anyone needing to assemble a group for an interactive meeting.

MyVideoCommunity is like a big block party where all of the MyVideoTalk independent representatives get together to share; it is a huge information exchange. MyVideoCommunity is the world's first videocommunity. MyVideoCall closes the gap because now you can see each other as well! MyVideoCall brings people into each other's offices, living rooms... their lives. MyVideoCall has taken it to the next level! MyVideoCall is as close to reaching out & touching someone as you can get without actually being in the same room. My Video Talk brings the world closer togather. MyVideoTalk will change the world.

Steen Finsen is an expert in the field of video and audio conferencing and the webmaster of Blog20379
Catherin Blog22233

Cut Your Car Insurance Premiums

Car insurance is one of the dearest parts of owning and running aCar insurance is one of the dearest parts of owning and running a car, however by taking a little time to research the market place and by taking advantage of the resources that can be found online you could save money when it comes to renewing your car insurance.

When taking out your motor insurance policy check out what excess the company is asking or with your policy. By offering to pay more excess you can reduce the cost of your premiums which could end up saving you money. The excess is what you pay towards the cost of the claim when you make a claim, for example you stand to the first 50 or 100.

Having a good no claims bonus can help to cut the cost of your premium by up to two thirds. By protecting your no claims bonus it will cost you but in the long run it could well work out to your advantage.

By adding a named older driver to your policy you can knock off around 10% of your insurance premiums. Similarly, if you have younger drivers named on your policy then have these taken off to help reduce your premiums.

Fitting extra security to your car can also help to save you on your premium. Fitting good quality locks, steering locks and alarms and having your windows etched with security codes can all help to reduce the costs.

If you can afford to the pay for your premium for the year upfront, this can sometimes knock around 30% in insurance off your premium rather than paying for it monthly, which would attract an additional fee.

Consider taking advanced driving lessons. The more qualified you are for driving then the cheaper your premiums are, simply because the insurance company sees you as less of a risk.

David Thomson is Chief Executive of BestDealInsurance ( an independent specialist broker dedicated to providing their clients with the best deal on their home, motor and life insurance.Beitris Blog24566
Brittan Blog90059

Joint Ventures Your Unlimited Opportunity

"He who has a thing to sell, and whispers it into a well, is not as apt to make a dollar, than he who climbs a tree and hollers."

This information is based on my experience over many years of doing business successfully in Africa, Canada and the United Sates, using the leverage of Joint Ventures, incorporating the Mastermind, Strategic Alliances and Barter to do business and create value and wealth with no money and no risk. Tried and tested, proven in the field with thousands of business owners, these principles work on one condition: You can only succeed in Joint Ventures with people who are honest, professional, smart and disciplined. Once you have found people like that, JVs can open the doors to unlimited wealth and success for you.

Joint Ventures work when people realize that we dont have to own skills, money, employees, inventory or other resources in order to do business, create value and make money. And it can be done VERY FAST if we use existing resources.

Your business can skyrocket to new levels of performance and profitability using Joint Ventures. The purpose of Joint Ventures is to access new markets, grow your business and access new competencies, while leveraging your hidden assets and business partnering to optimize sales and profits. Don't create competencies; borrow them. Don't compete; partner. Two companies essentially spawn a new company. One plus one equals three through synergistic and exponential growth. Joint Ventures inject new energy, excitement, commitment, loyalty, purpose, optimism, enthusiasm, creativity and fun into businesses. This increases value and thus profits. From Proctor and Gamble, Wal-Mart and Pfizer, to Sony, Tom's Corner Cafe and Bert's Dog Grooming, business owners are discovering the magic of Joint Ventures. In fact, you don't even need a business, a product or a service to make money from Joint Ventures.

If I was to add Bobs dog grooming services to Alans Animal Hospital and everyone (me, included) got a piece of the action, I could literally start earning money immediately. The distribution channel is already in place. The overhead is already paid for. This is incremental business with the corresponding high profit margin. All Alan has to do is offer each of his clients the option to use Bobs dog grooming services. He could hand them a discount voucher or merely a flyer. That is additional business for Bob, with no cost of sales (acquisition cost) at all. Bob has already paid salaries, rent and other overhead, so its found money for him. He pays you and Alan a commission on all the business thus generated. Everyone wins. This money is 100% profit in Alans hands. And at no risk, because you set it all up.

Joint Ventures can be very simple or more involved, but they usually cost very little to set in place, because most of the infrastructure already exists. If I sell landscaping, I can piggy-back my service on a realtors services. Or I can TRIANGULATE that deal I dont have to own the landscaping service or be a realtor to make money from that JV.

Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe and enthusiastically act upon, must inevitably come to pass Paul. J. Meyer.

Napoleon Hill educated millions on the power of the Mastermind. He said: The Master Mind may be defined as: Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose. No individual may have great power without availing himself of the Master Mind."

We do not conquer mountains, nor tame elements. The true conquest lies in penetrating the mental barriers; those self-imposed limitations that we carry in our minds. -Sharon Wood (First North American woman to the summit of Mt. Everest)

Together, we can do amazing things.

Tap into other peoples goodwill, database, capital, time, distribution channels, sales efforts, everything. Upsell existing customers on a new, additional product or service. The skys the limit.

Do you have or control anything that other JV partners would want?

The KEY is finding Good, Honest, Smart people. Start with people you know and trust: NEER: Naturally Existing Economic Relationships.

Talk in the other persons interests, not your own:

When we understand that people are basically self-interested and that they dont care about what you want, but rather about what they want, we should change our approach. Instead of thrusting your business card at someone and telling them how great you are and begging for their money, smart operators think about what THEY want.

Imagine your response if someone was to approach you with the following pitch:

What can I do to help you achieve your goals? How can I use my resources and the resources and hidden assets of my network of associates, friends, family, customers and vendors, to help you? How can I utilize my distribution channels, relationships, underutilized assets, salespeople, personnel and equipment, to generate more business for you? Im sure very few people, if any, have approached you in that way, right?

By the same token, you could approach someone with this offer: If I bring you access to markets, prospects, buyers, customers, advertising, that you never had and I turnkey it all, can I have 50% of the profit?

Youre offering Found money incremental profits and no upfront costs or risk.

If you want to open the door to JVs with successful people, you have to differentiate your approach. Theyre being hit on multiple times every day, but few if any are using this approach. Do your homework; study their websites, Google them, do your research and due diligence and be well prepared for your meeting. Forget about what you want and concentrate on looking for ways to benefit them. You will definitely get their attention. Thats why my website is called,

Lets look at some FREE options for promoting and selling services and products:

Remember, you dont even have to own a business to make money from JVs, but it does help to have one.

1. Use your own, or others, E Newsletters (e-zines). The two e-zines that I write (Eagle Attitude and Entrepreneur Newsletter) each reach over 6,000 people internationally every week. My cost to have an e-zine sent out every week is only $50 per month! Regular information that is actually READ, ids a powerful communication and selling tool. Use others e-zines I write for someone elses e-zine that reaches 20,000 people per week. Thats great free exposure for me. Other people use my articles free of charge, in exchange for displaying my contact information and giving me credit for the writing.

2. Use a BLOG mine works well for me, and I use my e-zine articles on it. Its FREE!

3. Use a website. has made me hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales.

4. Give away free reports and e books like this one free advertising and you get to create massive credibility. (Given that you know what youre talking about.)

5. Give away or sell audio CDs, or have them available free of charge in audio streaming on your website.

6. Give away free CDs and charge for Shipping and Handling to cover your costs and even make a profit. Team up with others who already have CDs made. Use my CDs to market your business. I can show you how to do that. Use other peoples skills, competencies and resources.

7. Offer to convert other peoples inactive customers into active customers for an on-going piece of the action. This idea, alone, can be worth a fortune to you, when you consider the amount of customer attrition going on.

8. Piggy-back your product or someone elses product, on to existing sales streams and have someone elses sales team sell your products and services as an add-on to their existing sales.

9. Convert unconverted leads or triangulate the deal. Switch leads between two realtors and take a piece of the action.

10. Find people who have products they cant move, get the products on consignment and sell them through other people distribution channels on consignment! No risk.

11. Create multiple add-on sales options wedding planners, lube centers, webmasters, courier services and home improvement services are great for this.

12. Buy and resell advertising space and / or services.

13. Offer Free Seminars either you do them or have someone else present them.

14. Sell Bills CDs on consignment through Jacks gas stations.

15. Free Conference Calls are very powerful selling tools. Interview experts and they will help you sell. You dont need any skills or money use other peoples skills time, energy and money. Bundle your products with someone elses every time they sell a course, they can include your CDs!

16. Join forces with your competitors together you can accomplish a lot more.

17. Share advertising space, mailings, seminars, radio and TV time and database communication.

18. Use Gift Vouchers give away samples of other peoples services and take a piece of the resulting, ongoing business. Carpet cleaning, accounting, consulting, car services,

Always ask yourself, What does the other party REALLY, REALLY want? What is his or her HOT BUTTON? And always ask them, What will it take?

Simple Examples:

1. I gave a restaurant owner 400 free paper placemats, each including some nice graphics and interesting information, PLUS a pitch for my business broking services and my contact information. I also gave him a gumball machine full of gum, with an advertisement for my business services right on top of it. He will get paid a generous commission on any resulting sales.

2. With my friend, Antonio, we created an amazing marketing package for small businesses including 11 CDs, a powerful marketing program worth $900, plus six months of conference calls and a two day convention in Vegas, all of which sells for just $695.

3. Im not a realtor, but I recently earned a few thousand dollars on a simple referral to realtor. I do the same with websites, cars, you name it. I dont need an office or employees and I can work form anywhere in the world where I have access to a telephone and the internet.

I have been arranging JV deals since I was at high school. I was seldom at risk and my business has been thriving for 18 years because of this simple, yet highly effective mindset.

If you qualify, I can show you how to create a joint venture with me, using your existing resources, in one hour. Its easy to do and it works well, with virtually no cost or risk. Its a true Win/win deal.

BARTER is a form of Joint Venture.

Leverage and barter underutilized goods, resources, services, capacity, raw materials, storage space, a sales team, personnel, intangible assets like distribution capabilities, etc.

In the 1970s, Chrysler had 10,000 small cars they couldnt sell. They exchanged those cars for radio & TV credits all over the country, to be used over a five year period, and traded the cars at full retail. (Window sticker) Their money was tied up in the cars. They werent spending cash on the advertising. The radio stations were selling unsold, future time and getting the cars right away.

Chrysler took the advertising credits to the bank and got money on them to pay for the manufacture of more cars that were sold with the advertising, so the bank financed the whole program! The radio and TV credits appreciated in value over the five years! Thats leverage.

Restaurants a $10 meal costs around $3. The restaurant can barter that for $10 meal for $10 worth of radio advertising or whatever, so theyre saving 70%! Plus there are incremental sales people buy drinks, tip waiters, new customers are generated that continue to spend money. The gift certificates are called SCRIP in the Barter business. The advertising they bought brings in more customers. A lot of the meal vouchers are never cashed in this is called BREAKAGE. Remember, the overhead is already covered electricity, server salaries, uniforms, telephone, etc., is already paid for, so the profit is high.

A commercial printing business has staff and machines on hand but not is fully utilized. His only cost is the paper and ink. The rent and payroll is already paid. So he can produce printing very cheaply and trade it for things he needs now, without using cash.

Soft dollars and hard dollars: Trade TV sets that cost $300 at $1,000 retail, for hotel rooms that cost $7 and retail at $100. Both win. Soft Dollars are Barter Dollars and Hard Dollars is cash. Conserve your cash by setting up barter deals.

HOTEL EXAMPLE trade room for $100, cost is only $7.

If the average person spends $50 in other services that the hotel has, and your cost is only $7, youve made extra cash right away, plus many gift certificates never got utilized! AND you got 100% retail value in barter! And you can sell bartered goods and services for CASH.

A Beverley Hills hotel was bought out of Chapter 11 and immediately issued $3 million worth of rooms, food and drink credits to be used over a five year period. Scrip brokers bought it up for $1.5 million in cash. They cash converted future rooms.

Cash converting means trading for goods or services and then immediately selling those goods / services for cash.

Advertisers of a Shopping Mall set up a deal to pay people back the money they spent in the mall. Prove you spent $1000 in the mall and well give you $1,000 in cash! This creates what we call THE FLOW its ongoing, resulting business from barter. Store owners in the mall happily paid for advertising because they knew that, this way, it was much cheaper they only paid for the cost of goods sold (They reimbursed the retail price) so this was cheap advertising it forced people to buy in the mall.

Dentists and doctors, chiropractors and consultants, couriers, web masters, writers and such trade or barter services. I know a dentist who traded dental work for radio advertising.

Instead of using cash and time, spend more time thinking about value and JVs!

You can exchange apartments for services and pay your employees and vendors with barter and apartments,

Barter SCRIP is like printing money. It can be transferred and assigned - its legal tender.

Scrip Expiration dates the further out, the better there are many permutations. BREAKAGE is the barter credits which arent used up to 40%!

SET up a barter deal and take a piece of the action/ savings in cash or in scrip that you can convert to cash.

Remember: The key to successful JVs is the people who are involved. Integrity, Professionalism, Punctuality, Accountability and Passion and Generosity are essential ingredients. JVs is the way business is being done by smart people. Join us and take advantage of this wonderful tool. For more than 19 years, Robin J. Elliott has worked with thousands of businesses in over 49 industries across the United States, Canada, and Africa. He specializes in helping small business entrepreneurs build wealth and gain access to new markets and profit centers through Joint Ventures. Through his Joint venture Seminars across North America he has thought thousands how to create increasing, multiple streams of income without cost or risk and very little time.Anya Blog36857
Alie Blog17127

ITV Ventures as A Home Based Business

Over the years, industry professionals have looked for ways to telecommute. Whether the needs stems from a desire to spend more time with family, save on time and gas, or simply have increased flexibility in schedules, more and more people have looked for ways to work from home. Hundreds of companies have focused their attention on this growing group of individuals and have touted thousands of different ways for them to make money in a home based business. Some of these companies have targeted the self-employed, but most tout the benefits of creating extra wealth beyond the confines of a regular job. ITV Ventures provides individuals with the opportunity to work when and how they please, to determine their level of growth with their business, and provides a system of support to increase the individuals profit and potential.

More than a few companies require a large up front cost of either time or money in order for an individual to begin reaping the rewards promised by the program. This sacrifice not only depletes the resources of the individual, it also increases stress and resentment towards the company, causing a lack of passion for the business. This lack of passion and trust then manifests itself through sales, resulting in increased loss of resources.

ITV Ventures requires very little investment and automatically provides the home-based business owner with the resources necessary to start creating income immediately. The ITV team set up a system and network of partners and products to assist any individual in finding their desired level of work and income. ITV Ventures believes that individuals working for themselves should not have to work by themselves.

Although every home based business is different, the best and most successful of these ventures are ones in which an individual has the flexibility to work in their spare time and later have the option of working full time. Because ITV Ventures eliminates all the paperwork, inventory, and advertising usually associated with home based businesses, ITV has created a flexible work environment to fit into anyones schedule. ITV Ventures has patented a system where calls arriving from new and existing customers are rerouted to ITV partners, allowing individuals to receive orders. Each individual ITV partner, or independent business owner (IBO), chooses when he or she would like to work and can immediately take orders and enter information into the system. Since ITV holds all the inventory and processes paperwork, the ITV partners only need to take orders from customers and enter them into a home computer. ITV creates the advertisements and infomercials for the products while the IBOs continue to make money off of the orders from enthusiastic consumers.

ITV also allows each IBO to not only test the products, but also choose which product to sell. Individuals can only create enthusiasm and passion for products in which they believe and understand. ITV encourages their partners to try all the products and even provides samples of all the products to IBOs who join at the highest level. Individual business partners can then determine which products they want to sell and, based on their decisions, determine how many calls they want to take for each product at any given time. Home-based IBOs have complete control over their work schedule, product sales, and financial goals.

Albert Milligan is a writer and editor of internet business opportunity related articles. He has over 20 years experience in business networking, marketing and computer training. You can find out more about ITV Ventures at: http://www.itvsimple.comBeatrix Blog2626
Candi Blog98240

Myspace Networking vs. Creating A Stand Alone Web Site

How do I create a web site? How do I start selling online?

How do I make money using the Internet? Is Internet Marketing Valid? People who know me and know that I'm a web developer and programmer ask me a lot of questions about web sites, web pages, HTML code, CSS, JavaScript code, ASP, PHP, Databases like MS SQL and MySQL.

One question I answer often is: Should I create my own web site or use a "free" site like MySpace? Sometimes instead of MySpace, it's the free web space that comes with their ISP account they're asking about, but the question is really the same.

Establishing a web presence with a professional image requires your own web site and domain name. MySpace is awesome, however it's a social networking tool used to "network" or find people and stay in touch with them. Like most of the tools in your toolkit, it has a function and can be very useful. Use MySpace and other social networks as a marketing resource: to help people discover you or your business and lead them to your main web site.

If you are in business, or a serious amateur or hobbyist, you need your own web site. You can setup profiles on all of the social networking sites like MySpace and use those profiles to direct people to your web site. But you need your own web site and domain name. Each site like MySpace has rules and will sometimes delete accounts, either for breaking the rules, or by mistake. You don't want your only site on the Internet exposed to this kind of risk. In addition, you want to look as professional as you possibly can.

How do I get started? How do I start my own web site? I'll outline the steps.

1) Domain Names: You need to register a domain name. Select a name that is as short as possible and that reflects your site's function. There are sites on the Internet that you can use to help research this. Once you decide on a domain name that's available, you need to pay for it - this is called registering. You can register it for 1 year up to several years. I use for this. They also have a domain spinner tool that can help you find available domain names; you simply enter two words and the tool makes variations and combination of the names and checks their availability.

2) Web Hosting: You need to a place for your web site.

There are a lot of hosting providers you can choose from.

They all work in a similar fashion. You rent space on a web server and bandwidth (traffic to and from the server) by the month for your web site. Prices range from less than $20 per month all the way up to the sky depending on how much space and bandwidth you're using. I can recommend a hosting service if you need help selecting one.

3) Putting the domain name and hosting together: If you registered your domain name with a different service than the hosting provider, you'll have to tell the domain name registrar where your web site is hosted. You do this by telling the registrar the addresses of the "name servers" of the hosting facility. The hosting provider will usually configure your DNS (domain name server) records for you web site on their DNS server and you need to give the name server's address to the registrar of your domain name so that your domain name points to the correct DNS servers. It sounds complicated, but it's really not. If you registered with the same service that you're using for a hosting provider, then this is usually done for you.

4) Create the site: Finally, make your web site. You should spend some time researching popular web sites of the same type as the one you intend to build. This will give you a good idea of what works in that area. One of the keys to being successful in any area is to follow the lead of someone who's already successful. Find some successful sites by doing searches on Google, Yahoo, or MSN and looking at the top sites that are returned. Even if you have no experience making web sites, you can still create a very nice web site. I offer online courses for beginners on how to create web sites - see my info below for the link.

In a few hours you can have a very nice looking, functional web site.

I hope this helps clear up some of the confusion about web sites, social networking sites like MySpace, and how to start your own web site.

Fred Black recommends, Learn How To Make Web Page Scripts and Create Interactive Web Pages.Alejandrina Blog52333
Brenda Blog81405

The Adware Threat

Adware can be basically defined as software that tracks your activities on the Internet so that it can trigger off pop-up ads and other marketing-related actions. The Internet has many free adware removal tools, which can help you run a scan to remove adware.

When your computer slows down and behaves strangely, chances are you have adware installed. You didn't ask for it, but neither did you ask for new toolbars, websites you don't recognize, continuous popups! Read on to know just how annoying and dangerous adware can be.

Adware doesn't let your computer respond quickly to your commands. When you click to go to a website, it takes you elsewhere and you wonder why. Adware presents you with toolbars you never asked for and keeps adding strange new websites to your favorite folder so that it looks like you gave it permission to be there. Here's the worst part - it steals your personal information, spies on you and sells this information to advertisers who can then irritate you with a flood of advertisements that they think you are interested in.

Nobody Is Spared From Adware

Practically every computer that connects to the Internet has loads of spyware and adware getting into it, collecting confidential information from the user. This can be in the form of information about browsing habits, or more serious threats like spying on your credit card number, and other personally identifiable information so that it can misuse it and put you in danger.

Adware can be basically defined as software that tracks your activities on the Internet so that it can trigger off pop-up ads and other marketing-related actions. It installs components in your system without your being aware of it so that it can collect personal data like surfing habits and other demographics. Saying no when adware asks you has nothing to do with what it does. It just goes right ahead and installs itself in your system.

In recent times, adware and spyware have been evolving so fast that it is more than adware removal tool manufacturers can do to keep up with them. Adware poses a major security risk to any computer and every user must make it a point to ensure that he or she runs a scan to clear their systems from adware and spyware. The Internet has many free adware removal tools, which can help you do this. But you've got to be cautious in selecting a reliable vendor. There's every chance that a vendor who promises to remove all the adware from your computer will do just the opposite - that is, install more spyware and adware. Reliable adware removal tools can protect you against unwanted intruders like adware in your system.

Look around and compare the features of various paid adware removal tools available. While some free adware removal software will only scan your computer and present you with the results, they won't actually clean it from your computer until you buy it. Beware of this ruse.

Arvind Singh is admin and technical expert associated with development of computer security and performance enhancing software like Registry Cleaner, Window Cleaner, Anti Spam Filter etc. More information can be found at http://www.pcmantra.comBenetta Blog47462
Anett Blog68683

A Review of an Accredited Online Degree From Capella University

The possibility of taking Online degree programs have been one of the biggest direct changes in education due to the internet. It is easy and convenient for working adults to be able to take courses without having to fit classes around their busy schedules or commute to campus. One of the more popular accredited online degree programs is offered by Capella University. This school was founded in 1993 and got its accreditation in 1997. After it was accredited, it changed its name and established five schools: Human Sciences, Technology, Education, Psychology and Business.

The school's headquarter is located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Within these five schools, there are about 70 different areas of study with more than 650 classes offered. The Capella school has 650 faculty members, more than 550 employed staff and 13,000 students enrolled in courses. As you can see, this is a real college for higher education with real credentials.

The school has its good points as well as its bad points. In order to draw as balanced picture as possible of this school, let's consider both. It has a special individualized portal for each student, called the iGuide. After you enroll, you're granted secure access through this portal to all the academic information you need. This makes it easy to look at and get an overview of courses and transcripts. Through the portal, you have access to your internet classroom, which they refer to as the 'courseroom', where you can get your assignments and post messages.

Most other schools on the internet have online chats and webcams which often don't work very well. At this school however, the technology is all together and in working order. It has a special system for turning in assignments which is very efficient but still easy to use. Just submit all your assignments as zip files or Microsoft Word documents. That's all you have to do.

The school portal offers access to the alumni center which you can use for networking and looking for employment opportunities. There are many other services available, like access to grants and other public money. Some of the graduates have criticized the alumni center as not being so useful, and being mostly just for show. However, most graduates are very happy with it.

Because this school is targeted to students who are already in jobs, its opportunities for on campus employment are pretty bare. The thought is that the reason you've chosen to study there rather than at a more traditional college is that you are already in a jobs . If you live outside Minneapolis, the school does not offer much in the way of employment for its students.

The school does offer a wide range of services to students with various handicaps. There is a variety of software available, and the staff makes an extra effort to accommodate students with disabilities. The school is consistently ranked high among higher educational institutions for its services for disabled students. There is mobility assistance, sign language interpreter service as well and additional time given to those who need it.

Except from those mentioned about, most other services are somewhat lacking, however. There is a campus bookstore where you can buy various kinds of materials including software, as well as books. Like most college bookstores, you can easily find the same books more cheaply other places if you look around a little. Like most schools, the bookstore is used to make some extra money for the school. But, the easy way out of this, for you, is to buy the books you need on the web somewhere. There are lots of services available for buying textbooks online. In spite of this, the Capella school is quite affordable. There are more and more schools coming on the web every year, and those that want to stay must be competitive.

At Capella, there are five schools within the college. They should be considered or reviewed separately in terms of quality. While the Human Sciences, Business, Education and Technology schools are quite good, the Psychology school has been undergoing some issues. There have been some problems with the management, and this has affected the overall quality of the program negatively. Because of these issues or problems, the Psychology school has had to keep changing its Dean, and this has also added to their problems. At the time of this writing, the psychology school is still not accredited by the American Psychological Association, even though it has been running this program for so long.

This shouldn't reflect too badly on school as a whole. Remember, there are 650 faculty members, so there is a load of variety. As a matter of fact, the quality of the instructors has always been commented on by the students who have graduated here. One thing criticised by many is that so many of the faculty are part time contractors, and thus do not have the interests of their students in mind as a highest priority. It is also charged that many of the teachers here are new to teaching on the web, and in being unaccustomed to it are unable to give the best instruction to their students. This charge comes particularly from students who have attended masters or Ph.D. programs here and found the quality of instruction at that level to be lacking. It could be that the strength of this school is in its undergraduate program.

This is what most students attend the school for, so it may be that the instructors are better able to teach at the undergraduate level. There aren't many complaints from undergraduate students about instructor or teacher quality, so this may be the case.

At the Capella university you certainly get a bit of everything. Whether this school is for you depends on a number of different factors. Retrieving and submitting coursework is easy. On the negative side, the quality of the teaching or instruction has consistently been lauded, if at times inconsistent. The fact that every education program is not yet accredited probably reflects badly on the school.

Nevertheless, as internet programs go, it is rated high in all areas. So, if you are looking into pursuing a higher education online, weigh your options well.

Nic Haffner is a writer and internet publisher who likes to write about online accredited degrees and educational issues in general. You can read more at the news and in depth information website Blog81405
Barbi Blog41427

Tips For Vacation Photos

Taking a vacation is a wonderful experience, whether you go to a beach location, a theme park, have a camping holiday, or travel to Europe on a sightseeing tour. But when you return home, the pictures you took on your trip are a large part of the memory experience. These pictures are priceless and it is worth learning a few tips to make your picture-taking memories more rewarding.

When packing for your memorable vacation, keep in mind these things:

* Camera, batteries + extras, memory card(s), battery chargers

* External flash (if needed), tripod, portable storage device

* Power adapter (if traveling abroad)

* Camera casewaterproof if going to a beach or wet vacation spot (you can also purchase silica gel packs from your camera store to reduce moisture further)

* Underwater camera if traveling to a beach location (even a small disposable one will get those unforgettable shots!)

* Be sure to get a wrist-strap for your camerayou dont want to lose your camera when you are traversing the rainforest treetops!

Be sure to charge your camera batteries before you leave home, and clear your memory card. It is always a good idea to take an extra memory card with you. Dont be afraid to shoot lots of pictures of the same subject a digital camera can hold a lot of pictures and you can sort out the good from the bad before printing them when you get home.

Before you leave home, do a little research on the spot you are traveling to and try to pre-plan some of the shots you may wish to take. Use travel guides, books and magazines to help plan what you may wish to include in your memory album. This may also be helpful not only in planning what type of shot you may wish to take, but may affect when you travel to a certain location. Would you like a shot of the sun rising majestically over the Rocky Mountains? Or how about a shot of elephant feeding time at the San Diego Zooor even fireworks over the Eiffel Tower? Make a list of these potential shots and plan your trip accordingly.


When you are taking pictures on your vacation, be sure to remember to include the human element. You dont want only pictures of the scenery, but this should be a memory experience at the same time. Include pictures of your family and friends, even people you meet at the location. All of these elements ad to the ambiance of the experience.

Try to get at least some pictures with you in it. There is always some passerby around to take a picture of you in front of your cruise shipjust be sure it is someone trustworthy not to run off with your camera. Another good idea for this is to give the passerby a cheap disposable camera instead of your expensive one so that if he does drop the camera or runs off with it you wont have much to lose. You may not get as good a picture quality, but at least it will be a memory shot.


* Capture the anticipation of your trip by using people. Try photos of packing up the car, arriving at the airport, getting on the plane. This type of picture will lend a great story line when displaying your pictures in an album. The same goes for the end of your trip. Have a shot of your wife sleeping on the plane after a whirlwind European vacation. Personally, I always end our albums with a display of all the things we acquired on our tripeverything from that gorgeous purse I bought in Panama, shells from the beach, to the airline tickets and the Spanish phrase book we used.

* Place your subject off-centre using the rule of thirds. Divide the picture into a tic-tac-toe like grid and rather than placing your subject into the centre square, place them onto one of four lines. This makes for a more interesting picture and is more aesthetically pleasing. A great portrait would be placing a person to one side with the horizon filling the rest of the picture.

* Try to get the people in your pictures to tell a story rather than just standing in front of a landmark. Eating, leaning on street signs, browsing through roadside markets, swimming on the beach are all ways to achieve this.

* Dont have your subjects stand so far away that you cant recognize who they are. Get them to stand closer and have the landmark in the distance. You can always take an extra shot of the landmark by itself.

* Sometimes it is good to get a photo of someone in the distance, perhaps with their back to the camera. This comes off as a candid shot and can create great drama in the picture.

* Try to get some action shots. Try taking a candid shot of kids or adults playing on the beach. Or capture someones face when tasting that chocolate covered ant. Use the Action Shooting Mode on your camera for a fast shutter speed to stop action so that you can get clear pictures without the blur. The Burst Mode lets you take multiple pictures with one click of the shutter button to catch a sequence of movesfor that Mexican dancing scene.


* Study the area and plan your photograph. Would the picture be better if taken from the right to include the shadows? How about a different angle? You can crouch or take a photo looking up at the Eiffel Tower instead of straight onwouldnt that seem more dramatic? Use perspective to your advantage.

* Think about the distance you are away from your subject. Try to get as close as possible. Sometimes that house in the distance that you like will just be a spot in a 4X6 picture. Use your zoom as much as possible.

* Consider the lighting. The light can be harsh in the middle of the day and less intense in the early morning or late afternoon. Also you can achieve better results with lighting by taking pictures in inclement weather. Experiment by taking pictures at different times of the day. Even the shadows created in a landscape by taking advantage of the early morning light can be interesting and dramatic. Another lighting tip is to use you cameras flash when shooting in direct sun to reduce effects of shadows on faces or other objects in the picture. If you happen to be in low light, try using a tripod. And experimentis the light shining in the back or on the side? The placement of light and shadows in a picture can create a great shot.

* If you are taking a picture of a landscape, make sure there are no stray objects that may detract from your composition. Check before you shoot.

* Use colour to your advantage. You can often achieve very dramatic shots of colourful houses, fall foliage or azure beaches to add vibrancy to your photos. If you have a Beach Mode on your camera, use it to capture bright seaside scenes.

* Take advantage of the landscape mode in your camera, which adjusts the aperture so that objects near and far are sharp and clear. To achieve the same effect manually, you need to set your aperture to a high f-number (like f6.3), which will provide a wide range of focus to ensure everything near and in the distance is in focus.

* Panorama shots are very popular and some cameras offer in-camera panorama-stitching which is a feature that uses up to five single shots to create one seamless image right in the camera. Sweeping beach scenes are perfect for the Panorama mode. Tips for panoramic shots: (1) make sure your camera is as level as possible, (2) be sure to stand in the same position for all the shots, (3) overlap you images by 30-50% horizontally. Consider using panoramic shots for breathtaking mountain range shots, sunsets, cityscapes, or even a cascading waterfall.

* Use the Sunset Mode on your camera to achieve ideal dramatic photos of early evening or dawn when the sun in near the horizon. Image that perfect beach with the sun setting in the background.


* The key to capturing magical winter shots is in the white balance. To achieve realistic winter scenes, some cameras have a Snow Shooting Mode which will automatically adjust the cameras white balance to compensate for the snow and lighting conditions. You can also use your cameras manual controls to adjust the white balance until the snow colour is correct. The image will change on your cameras screen so you can adjust it up or down until the image appears accurate.

* Black and white pictures accentuate lines, textures and edges making great dramatic photographs. This can be a great choice for beach scenes and coastlines alike.


* You can turn your vacation photographs into works of art using computer software to manipulate the pictures. If you have an artistic nature this is a great way to display your vacation photographs and receive rave reviews from family and friends.

Another tip on vacation photography is not just to take pictures of landmarks and people. Pictures of birds, flowers, and street signs all add to remembering where you visited.

I hope some of the above tips help in your vacation photography. At home, I love reviewing our photographs and reliving our travel experiences. We always take lots of pictures and share them often with family and friends.

If you want to read other articles about vacation tips, visit the website

Denny Phillips writes about what she loves - travel, cooking and art. To read more articles by Denny, visit: or http://www.goodcookingcentral.comCam Blog13107
Ardeen Blog24592

Neuromuscular Therapy

What is Neuromuscular Therapy

Neuromuscular therapy is a system of soft tissue massage techniques that were developed in the 1930s by Dr. Stanley Lief in England. Neuromuscular therapy aims to balance the central nervous system with the musculoskeletal system correct any disorders brought about as a result of any imbalances between the two. Neuromuscular therapy enhances the function of joints and muscles, and speeds healing by facilitating the release endorphins.

How does Neuromuscular Therapy work

Neuromuscular therapy was developed after an intensive study of the nervous system and its interaction with the musculoskeletal system. When the relationship between the two systems is not in a state of homoeostatic balance, chronic myofascial pain or dysfunction can occur. Neuromuscular therapy aims to restore homoeostasis between the two systems.

Neuromuscular therapy has a holistic approach towards healing in that emphasis is laid on stimulating the body to heal itself. Once this healing has begun, neuromuscular therapy techniques are used to stimulate soft-tissue repair in the affected areas. During a typical session of neuromuscular therapy, the therapist will first examine the patient and his or her medical history in attempt to accurately gauge all the factors that are creating and prolonging pain. Once the problem areas have been identified, alternating levels of concentrated pressure are applied on the areas of muscle spasm with the fingers, knuckles or elbow.

Neuromuscular therapy works by addressing the following six physiological factors which can intensify pain patterns. They are:

Trigger points trigger points are highly irritable points in the nervous system.

Nerve entrapment/compression when a nerve gets pressed constantly between the surrounding structures, it can lead to an acute kind of chronic pain.

Postural distortions - Postural distortions result in underdevelopment of the supporting muscles and thereby lead to their weakening.

Nutrition - Lack of adequate nutrition to the cells leads to an over all weakening of the entire system.

Ischemia In a condition such as Ischemia, the cells and tissues get a reduced blood supply and as a result are under-nourished.

Stress Stress plays havoc with the functioning of the nervous and musculoskeletal system.

Benefits of Neuromuscular Therapy

Neuromuscular therapy is used to treat conditions such as chronic pain, sciatica, rotator cuff dysfunction, carpal tunnel syndrome, temporomandibular joint dysfunction and migraines. It is also used in the treatment of some physical and sexual abuse-related traumas. Neuromuscular therapy is also the most effective type of massage therapy for lower back pain.

Neuromuscular therapy is also used to locate and release spasms and hyper contractions in the tissue. It aids the healing process for injured tissue, assists in venous and lymphatic flow, restores postural alignment, and imparts flexibility to the tissues.

Sharon Hopkins authors web content for, which provides a relaxing experience by artistic hand strokes on the body to rejuvenate and revitalize you. She also writes for Yoga, Hair-n-Skin Care, Aromatherapy and other health websites.Brynne Blog68187
Aurlie Blog14673

The Tooth Trolls Are Lurking

Every mother wants her babies to grow up happy and healthy and avoid the mistakes of their parents. In my generation, tooth decay was rampant. By adolescence, I had a filling in just about every groove and fissure on all my back teeth. I spent the summers at the dentists office and I hated going. Ugh!

This generation of mothers knows so much more than my mother and I did about oral health. First of all, they have been reading more and more in the media about how important the mouth is to whole body health. They are hearing the message that specific bacteria (not just a dirty mouth) are responsible for cavities and gum diseases, and by reducing the numbers of these organisms, and yes, even by eliminating them through good anti-bacterial self-care, mouth infections like cavities and gingivitis can be avoided before they start. Moms also know about keeping sugars and carbohydrates - those foods that feed the mouth bugs - to a minimum.

Mouth germs are not present when a baby is born. They are transmitted, often from mother to infant or caregiver to child. Although kissing your new infant on the mouth is part of a mother's instinct, be aware that those innocent and affectionate pecks you plant on babys lips may be loaded with bacteria that can cause tooth decay in your little one.

Most adults have Strep Mutans, a bacterium that is responsible for tooth decay. Other microorganisms in adults mouths that are responsible for gum disease can also pass from parent to child via saliva; from sharing eating utensils, cups, straws, and toothbrushes. When children put their fingers in Mom or Dads mouth and then their own, and when parents pre-taste Babys food from a common spoon, mouth bacteria can be transferred from one to another.

Here are a few tips that will help ensure your childs good oral health:

Give your baby her own toothbrush early on. She will love to watch you and imitate good brushing techniques.

Make sure you teach your child to brush his gums and tongue as well as his precious teeth.

Do not put toothpastes, especially with fluoride, on the brush because babies and toddlers tend to swallow the sweet and tasty stuff.

Be sure to brush your childs teeth at least twice a day until they are old enough to do it themselves properly. I brushed my sons teeth before bedtime until he was nine. I admit I am a bit obsessive about oral hygiene.

As toddlers, you can lay them across your lap, (sing to them if necessary to make it enjoyable) and be sure to remove the plaque on their teeth and gums everyday.

Before sleep is the most important time to brush because if the germs and sugars that cause cavities aren't removed, they have all night to do their damage.

Dr. Stephen Offenbacher, dental researcher at UNC, Chapel Hill , who is well-known for his studies on chronic periodontal infections as they relate to preterm births, offers good counsel. Oral infections are both PREVENTABLE and TREATABLE. I totally agree. If your little one learns from the beginning to get rid of the tooth trolls, he can proudly show off an eye-catching, attractive smile, healthy gums, and fresh breath . . . for a lifetime.

Sheila Wolf, RDH, affectionately called Mama Gums, has been a registered dental hygienist since 1971. She is currently enjoying writing, speaking, and consulting on various oral health issues. She has authored two award-winning books, Pregnancy and Oral Health: The critical connection between your mouth and your baby, and Your Mouth Could Be KILLING You. Both are available on her website, (a signed copy with a free oral health gift) at Sheila also works with people privately as an oral wellness coach, educating and empowering people to keep their natural teeth for a lifetime, avoid gum surgery, and just possibly add years to their lives. You may reach Sheila through e-mail,, or in San Diego at 619 241-2201. Bette Blog37770
Alvinia Blog23753

Long Island Schools Rethink Gym Credit

The Problem

Teachers, students, and parents at Long Island schools have been struggling with how to give credit for physical education classes. On the one hand, many argue that counting gym like an academic class can badly affect the GPA of students who are strong academically but do not do well in gym. On the other hand, others argue that when students know that the gym class does not affect their GPA they do not put the effort and attention into the class in order to improve their physical health.

Long Island Schools have decided to strike a middle ground and allow students to choose whether they want it to count or not. The decision only applies to current sixth through ninth graders so it will not affect current graduating high school students. 24 of the 60 schools in the Suffolk County district have decided to handle gym in this way, hoping to please groups on both sides while addressing the needs of students.

The Process

Many of the changes were suggested by parents who signed petitions to allow physical education to be counted on GPAs instead of as a pass / fail mark as it had been in the past. The superintendent and the school boards of Long Island schools met to consider the proposals from parents to figure out how to make the physical education curriculum the most effective for students as well as the most standardized in grading.

In addition to parental concern, there was also intense scrutiny of the new New York State Standards for Physical Education. The argument here is that the new standards have clear aims and objectives that can be measured and graded like an academic class. Superintendents of Long Island schools determined that in implementing these new standards in the physical education curriculum, the schools would be able to give grades for accomplishing certain tasks rather than the all encompassing pass / fail marks.

What People Think

Reactions to the change have been mixed. Some parents are looking forward to counting the physical education class on the GPA while others are worried about hurting the academic side of their childs report card. One board member stated: "I think that phasing it in provides us the opportunity to see how it goes. Allowing the option would not hurt a student's GPA." The decision also pleased Jonathan Estrada, who will be a senior this fall at Northport High School. Earlier in the school year, he had become concerned when he learned that the new policy would be mandatory. "I was immediately sort of troubled about it," he said. "You shouldn't be hurt from a grade that doesn't reflect the actual ability."

In academic circles, many educators are applauding the change, citing the need for a stronger and more comprehensive program in physical education to tackle the current health problems of Americas youth. University studies and national surveys all point to the increased grading and evaluating of physical education as key to keeping the class relevant and useful for students. Counting the class as a grade will help students take the class more seriously, and hopefully translate into healthier students in and out of Long Island schools.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more information on Long Island schools visit Blog46917
Brigid Blog69285

Designing For Web Browsers

Web design is always a challenge: new web browsers make website owners to turn to web designers to redesign their web pages; different web browsers display websites in different ways, leading to the same problem: redesign. This is costly, needs time and if the job is not done right, the release of a new web browser may lead to the same trouble. Moreover: a non-standard-compliant website is not a user friendly website (obviously!) and it might damage your business, by driving your visitors away.

To avoid the inconvenience, ask your web developer to create an all browsers compatible website.

Design for All the Web Browsers

Its advisable that you have your website designed according to the World Wide Web Consortiums accessibility standards. These standards were created to improve user experience and Internet functionality. The most popular web browsers are Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari (for Mac) and Konqueror (Linux). Once upon a time there was Netscape ruling over the Web. Right now Internet Explorer (IE 6) is the most popular browser, but Firefox is winning territory fast! However, lets not forget the PDAs! If you have a website designed according to the accessibility standards, your site will stay functional in the future.

As IE 6 is not standards compliant, you might want to try designing for Firefox first. Preferred coding is XHTML, but HTML 4.01 will do too. When your web page looks great in Firefox, you may start editing it for Internet Explorer. Then validate your markup. Dont write on your website best viewed with Mozilla Firefox or Best viewed with IE, etc. Its you who should have a browser compatible website and not your visitors who should change their browsers to be able to see your website. Write a best viewed with on your landing page and you are going to drive customers away. User-friendly websites are best viewed with any browser.

Design for the Future

Standard compliant web pages are the pages of the future. The Internet is constantly evolving and the future belongs to quality websites. Now its the right time to start optimizing your websites. If you are a web developer take your job seriously and design for the future. This is how you are going to build up a good name and get more clients.

Webmasters are advised to support the best viewed with any browser campaign. By creating an all browsers compatible website you make a promise of quality and a commitment to excellence.

To verify your any browser compatibility you might want to try the free services provided by Here youll find a site viewer, html validation tools and many useful resources that will help you create the perfect website.

Other Technical Considerations

When you use non-HTML elements, remember that they are not compatible with all browsers, so provide alternatives. That works especially for Flash sites. Ive seen a lot of to view this web page you need Macromedia Flash on websites. Do I really need it? Make me! Well, actually they cannot make me. Why? I can leave as fast as I came. I browse browse away!

Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of HighPowerSites and many other web projects. HighPowerSites is the easiest do-it-yourself website builder on the web. No programming or design skill required. Get your own website online in just 5 minutes with at: http://www.highpowersites.comCatharina Blog44589
Alayne Blog65959

How To Use Golf Training Aids To Improve Your Putting

Drive for show, putt for dough. Relax the nerves, trust your line. Eyes over the ball, smooth take away. Accelerate through the ball, and...

Klinka tinka tinka -- yes! The sweet sound of a birdie putt, or even a 6-footer for par, dropping into the cup. It's a great feeling, especially if you just finished the 18th for a personal best round. Or if you just won 5 skins to make your buddies shell out some serious coin. A hot day with the putter can make you feel like a million bucks. Actually, in the case of a PGA tour pro, it can earn you a million bucks.

Too bad that for the average golfer those days seem to come so infrequently. The average Joe uses up anywhere between 32 and 40 putts per round, while the best pros average around 30. Tour pros make just under 90% of their putts from 4-5 feet, while average guys make around 50%. That's a lot of shots to give up! Think about this: if you are a thirteen handicapper, your average score is around 85, and you average 36 putts per round, then 42% of your shots are putts! And what do you spend most of your time doing at the range? If youre like most guys (and gals) then you spend most of your time beating balls with your driver or mid-irons. Yet, according to the numbers you should be spending almost half of your time on the putting green.

So how can busy people with little time for golf practice still improve their putting game without doubling practice time or drastically reducing the amount of time spent practicing their full shots? Golf training aids are the answer. Many training aids exist that can quickly improve your putting stroke and green reading without spending hours on the putting green. Just 10 to 15 minutes per practice session is required for most golfers to drop strokes quickly. Here are some tips for finding right training aids or a combination of training aids to maximize your results:

1. Look for training aids that allow you to easily see the following things: square clubface, shoulder alignment, eye placement (over the ball), foot alignment, and stroke path. Some devices use mirrors, some use low-power lasers. Most training aids have physical barriers that keep the putter on the right path during the stroke.

2. For eye alignment you can always do this: line up the putt and address the ball as if you were going to hit the putt. Then take a ball from your pocket, put it between your eyes, and allow it to drop straight down. Wherever the ball lands is where your eyes are lined up. They should be directly over the target ball.

3. Whatever device(s) you choose, make sure that they are not too large and/or awkward. My experience is that you don't use the device unless it is convenient.

4. Follow through is also important, so make sure that the training aid gives you feedback for the whole stroke. You need to see that your stroke path is straight and putter face releases properly after contact, otherwise you will have consistency problems.

5. Use the golf training aid consistently, every time you practice. You need to groove the stroke and you can't do that unless you keep at it. Also, if possible, use the device at home or at the office when you have a spare minute. This extra practice time really helps.

I wish you good luck and a hot blade!

Mike Gelhaus, once racquetball professional and published author for Racquetball Magazine, has turned his attention back to the game of Golf. With the use of golf training aids, he achieved a handicap of 3 only weeks before back surgery. Check out his site at Blog4367
Cassey Blog30146

Mobile Games are New Trend in Entertainment

The good new is that mobile phone has got many features like to take pictures, play music and play games more than anything else. Mobile games are becoming new trend in the world of games as it has become the fastest growing wireless business. Mobile games have gained popularity for providing personal entertainment device on the go.

The popularity of mobile games is continuing to grow, even flourish as in recent year the technology has improved and lot and graphics have become richer and speed and performance are also improving.

Now everywhere you see wireless games and game developers as the mobile game market is climbing higher and higher in the coming years. The popularity for mobile games is increasing number of customers taking advantage of wireless technology and enjoying entertainment on the move, this result to more competition in the mobile games market, the mobile gaming industry is facing more challenges to develop latest games with more and more advanced features.

Number of online sites provides you free mobile games downloaded facilities without registration or subscribing. Mobile games can be purchased online for flat rates as compared to shop. Now all latest mobile phones have introduced with big screen, graphics and better color which allow the user to enjoy all the features like taking picture, watching movie clips and playing games.

Now with the improvement in technology of mobile phone the mobile games have also improved with easy to use joysticks and high resolution. The 3D mobile games draw more hardcore gamers and it does a good job at bridging the expectations people have from the console and handheld gaming environment.

One should have a proper knowledge of mobiles phone games like you should understand the price of the games. You should be able to connect to other players using your phone; you may have to purchase extra equipment for that. Study market before buying your mobile as everyday new mobile phone is introduced with new features with good quality.

Anna Josephs is a freelance editor having experience of many years in writing articles and news releases on various topics related to health, automobile and social issues. Currently, she is working on To get more details on Mobile game, please visit Please feel free to write feedback on this article. Anna Josephs can be contacted at Blog35374
Alejandrina Blog52333

Cheap Auto Insurance Online For Your Teen

So, you have a teen that is at the driving age. Choosing the right auto, the right insurance and the factors that determine price, is the purpose of this article.

Choosing the right auto is very important to getting cheap insurance. That flashy, red, convertible sports car really looks great, but the insurance for it with a teen driver?... ouch!! Find out what your teen can live with other than this and do your insurance shopping with that model in mind.

Some of the factors that enter into price is:

1. Where do you live? In the city, a suburban area or in a rural setting? The rural area will be the lowest rate with the city being greater.

2. How many miles per year will the vehicle be driven and how many miles to work, school or college.

3. The model and age of the vehicle and it's safety record. Sometimes an anti-theft device will lower the rate.

4. The deductable amount and the coverage amount, these vary according to area and what the laws are in your state. The more out of pocket you can afford on the deductable the lower your rate will be.

5. Your teens grades at school is also a determining factor. The higher the grades the lower the rate. Makes sense right?

6. Did your teen take drivers ed? Also a factor.

Make sure that your teen knows the importance of a safe driving record, no tickets, no accidents. Over time, a teen with a safe driving record will have their insurance rates reduced. Instill a sense of responsibility in your teen for their freedom to drive.

Some insurance companies offer a policy for just the teen driver. This way they aren't added to the families policy. This can be a lower rate. There may be some restrictions, such as no driving after dark or others.

Use your favorite search engines to find insurance companies that have the lowest rates for these factors. By shopping online you have a lot of companies to choose from, and it is quicker than the yellow pages.

Keep all of these things in mind when shopping. Insurance rates vary widely, so take your time when doing your research. Another way to search for a good insurance company is to ask around at garages and body shops. Those guys deal with insurance companies every day.

I hope that these factors will help you in finding that company that will give you a good policy at the lowest possible price.

Bill Weaver is the webmaster of several websites including one that helps save you money on your auto insurance. Blog32276
Berrie Blog60896

Considering a Condo Hotel? Here Are 20 Things You Need to Know!

1. What is a condo hotel or condotel?

Think of a condo hotel (also sometimes called a condotel or hotel condo) as buying a condominium, although one that is part of a four-star caliber hotel. Therefore, as an owner, when you are on vacation, youll get the benefit of more four-star services and amenities than you'd get in a typical condominium.

2. What types of services and amenities are found in condo hotels?

If you can imagine the niceties youd find in an upscale hotel, then you can picture a condo hotel. Among the features are often resort-style pools, full-service spas, state-of-the-art fitness centers, fine dining restaurants, concierge services and room service.

In some locations, like Las Vegas, youll find condo hotels with their own casinos, retail areas, and entertainment venues. In places like Orlando, youll find condo hotels with their own water parks and convention facilities.

3. What is the difference between a condo hotel and a traditional condominium?

The big difference between a hotel and a condo hotel is that a hotel typically has one owner, either individual or corporate, but a condo hotel is sold off unit by unit. Therefore, a 300-room condo hotel could have as many as 300 unit owners.

4. Is it evident to hotel guests whether theyre staying in a condo hotel or a traditional hotel?

A hotel guest will likely never know that the hotel has multiple owners because the property is operated just like a traditional hotel and often under the management of a well-known hotel company like Hilton, Hyatt, Starwood, Trump or W.

Also, each of the individual condo hotel units will look identical in design and dcor to every other, just as they would in a traditional hotel.

5. Who typically buys condo hotels?

Theyre primarily sold to people who want a vacation home but do not want to deal with the hassles typically associated with second home ownership such as maintaining the property or finding renters in the off season.

6. What is the demographic of the typical condo hotel buyer?

The spectrum of condo hotel buyers is pretty broad. There are families that want a second home in a vacation destination. There are baby boomers who are at or nearing retirement and want somewhere they can winter.

There are also plenty of investors who purchase a condo hotel unit with little intention of ever using it; theyre in it for the potential appreciation of the real estate.

7. Can you live in a condo hotel?

Condo hotels are not typically offered as primary residences. In fact, many of them limit the unit owner's usage of the condo hotel unit (typically 30-60 days per year) because the unit is expected and needed in the hotel's nightly rental program where it can be offered to guests and generate revenue.

8. Who gets the money when your condo hotel is rented out?

The hotel management company splits the rental revenue with the individual condo hotel owner. While the exact percentages vary from property to property, the typical rental split is in the 50%-50% range.

9. Who finds hotel guests and then cleans and maintains the condo hotel units?

The hotel management company markets the property and books hotel guests. It also maintains the unit and ensures the smooth operation of all of the hotels services and amenities.

10. What are the advantages / disadvantages of purchasing a condotel over purchasing typical rental properties?

Advantages include:

Hassle-free ownership; no landlord issues
Rental revenue to offset some or maybe all ownership expenses
A fantastic vacation home available for use whenever you want
A real estate investment at a time when other investments may seem less attractive
Strong likelihood of appreciation
Pride of ownership --"I own a piece of a Trump"

Disadvantages include:

Annual cash flow could be equal to or less than annual ownership costs
Pets are usually not welcome.
An owners condo hotel unit may be rented when the owner wants to it, so advance reservations are required to guarantee availability.
The condo hotel unit is subject to the same dips in the market that affect all hotels in the competitive market set: hurricanes, terrorist threats, warm winters up north, price of gas, etc., all of which can affect a unit's occupancy rate and the amount of revenue it generates.

11. Are condo hotel units difficult to finance?

Not at all, but they do take 20% down typically, whereas condos can be purchased with less cash down. It's also important to make sure you use a mortgage broker who has had success in getting condo hotel financing deals done. Not all banks offer financing for this type of real estate, but more and more are getting involved as condo hotels become more widely available.

12. How long have condo hotels been around and where are they located?

Condo hotels have been around for several decades, but the huge surge of four-star and five-star condo hotels that have been making their way across the country, started around year 2000 in the Miami area.

The Miami-Fort Lauderdale area currently has the most condo hotels, but areas like Orlando and Las Vegas are developing condo hotel properties at an even faster rate and will likely surpass South Florida soon. Outside the U.S., up-and-coming condo hotel areas are the Bahamas, Panama, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Canada and Dubai.

13. How much do condo hotel units cost?

Thats like asking how much a car costs. There are different quality condo hotels. Some require greater amounts of money than others, obviously.

There are inexpensive condo hotels out there for as little as $100,000. These are typically found in properties that have converted their use from an existing hotel. They are hotel room-sized, lack kitchen facilities, luxury franchises, and other first-class amenities.

Then there are the four-star or greater properties that may start in the $300,000 to $400,000 range, but can go all the way up to $800,000 just for a studio unit.

One- and two-bedroom units cost substantially more than a studio. Of course, the studios do come fully furnished and finished, and will be significantly larger in size than a typical hotel room, and may attract guests because of its name like St. Regis, Ritz or W.

14. What are typical maintenance costs?

On average about $1.00 to $1.50 per sq. ft., but the range can exceed $2.00 sq. ft. in the most luxurious properties.

15. Do you buy condo hotel units after they have been built, or can you purchase condo hotels in pre-construction?

Unless you are in a hurry to get started vacationing or you need to complete a 1031 exchange, it's best to buy condo hotels in pre-construction as early as possible. Thats when prices are lowest and unit selection is greatest.

You will likely wait two years or longer before closing on and taking possession of your condo hotel unit, but you will have locked in the price and will get the benefit of maximum appreciation.

16. Is there anything else investors should want to know about condotels?

There is more to buying this type of real estate than the old phrase, "location, location, location." While most condo hotels are located in desirable resort and business area locations, what is most important is a good franchise with a strong reservation system.

Also, do not be fooled by an aggressive rental split. One way or the other, the developer of the property will have to staff, maintain and operate the hotel and its services like the restaurants, bars, spas and pools from his share of the proceeds.

If he's giving you a very favorable share of the rental, he's also more likely to be charging you a higher monthly maintenance fee. Of course, this goes both ways. If the maintenance split that is offered is closer to 50-50, then your maintenance should be more reasonable too.

17. Any suggestions to investors in choosing which condo hotel to buy?

Get good advice. That means you dont want to rely only on the pitch provided by an onsite salesperson at a condo hotel.

You want to talk with a broker who specializes in condo hotels and who knows and understands the entire condo hotel market, not just the facts pertaining to a single property. He or she will listen to your wants and needs and then offer recommendations as to which properties best match your requirements. Youll have an opportunity to comparison shop and consider the pros and cons of each available property.

A good broker can be the difference between your buying a condo hotel that will be problematic and not live up to your expectations or one that will provide you with years of great vacations, good annual revenue and a substantial profit when you sell.

18. Does it cost more to use a real estate broker to purchase a condo hotel than buying a unit on ones own?

No! With new condo hotel properties, the prices are always set by the developer and are exactly the same whether you buy directly from an onsite salesperson at the property or using a broker.

The brokers commission is always paid by the developer and is already built into the price regardless of whether an outside broker participates in the sale or not. Since a brokers representation is free to buyers, it does make sense to enlist their aid and get the benefit of their advice before making a purchase.

19. How can prospective buyers find a good condo hotel broker?

Ask friends for broker recommendations or search online for condo hotel broker.

Also, visit condo hotel real estate websites and see if the information they provide seems comprehensive and unbiased. If their website seems to focus on selling homes or office space, and the condo hotel information appears to be an afterthought, steer clear. Because condo hotels are a unique type of real estate, your best bet is to work with a condo hotel broker who specializes.

20. How can buyers learn about new condo hotel properties coming on the market?

Condo hotel brokers can be good information sources as they often learn about properties prior to their release to the general public. Another option is to subscribe to a condo hotel newsletter such as the one we publish called Condo Hotel Property Alert.

We offer subscriptions for free on our website, It features a different condo hotel property coming on the market each edition, giving buyers an opportunity to invest when prices are at their lowest levels and the selection of available units is greatest.

Joel Greene is the President of Condo Hotel Center located in Miami Florida, which specializes in the sale of condo hotels. Visit his information-packed web site,, for more facts on condo hotels and to see condo hotel listings, photos and prices. Bamby Blog99806
Becca Blog90161

Mental Health Recovery

Mental Health Recovery Is a FACT, even though Mental Health Recovery as a concept is still unheard of in many parts of the world. Recovery is a journey of healing and transformation for a person with mental health problems and the process of mental health recovery is complex and is different for each individual.

Recovery is a process not a place. It is about recovering what was lost: rights, roles, responsibilities, decisions, potential and support. It is not about symptom elimination, but about what an individual wants, how s/he can get there and how others can help/support them to get there. It is about rekindling hope for a productive present and a rewarding future And believing that one deserves it. Recovery involves people having a personal vision of the life they want to live, seeing and changing patterns, discovering symptoms can be managed and doing it, finding new ways and reasons, doing more of what works and less of what doesnt. Recovery is about reclaiming the roles of a healthy rather than a sick person. Recovery is about getting there Laurie Curtis (1998).

As has been observed for many years, the primary key to mental health recovery has been the individual's own desire for such a recovery. The Recovery Model stimulates, harnesses and supports this desire.

The Mental Health Recovery Model of care focuses on the person, not the symptoms or the illness. Instead of the narrow medical model, there is presented a model for psychosocial rehabilitation. Since first presented, professionals from all four corners of the globe have begun to express interest in this alternative model for mental health recovery: - A dream come true, a non-pathological, holistic approach for recovery. Surely all mental health care systems will adopt this model.

For many clients, an important part of mental health recovery is sharing experiences and coping-strategies and Recovery Groups can provide a forum for this. If professionals want to set up such groups they must be prepared to take part as an equal member and must be prepared to relax some personal boundaries, within the rules of confidentiality of the group.

The role of employment in mental health recovery is now becoming widely recognised and, providing the basic learning skills and confidence to go on to employment or further education should be regarded as a high priority. Basic Maths, English and IT skills have become a modern day necessity.

During an individuals Recovery journey s/he will need to implement their own personal recovery tools. Use of such recovery tools will enhance wellness, enable empowerment and provide competency for recovery and for maintaining their ongoing wellness.

The Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) was developed by Mary Ellen Copeland. It is a major wellness planning tool which will enable individual users to identify their own personal wellness resources (wellness toolbox) as well as identifying individuals triggers, early warning signs and relapse signatures, thus giving a means to monitor and manage problems, symptoms and life in general, as well as giving the opportunity to write advanced directives in case of a future, major relapse.

The adoption of Mental Health Recovery and the use of WRAPs should transform many Mental Health Systems - and not before time! Comprehensive training of mental health staff is essential to implement the Recovery model and to assist consumers in creating and applying their Wellness Recovery Action Plans (WRAPs).

In many ways this may be looked on as a recovery of the Mental Health Services. Hopefully this will allow many professionals to undergo a recovery of the dreams and ideals they had when they first came into the services and provide them with a new vitality to put them into practice.

To conclude, while Mental Health Recovery is a compex journey and is different for each individual, it remains possible for anyone with the right information, desire and supports to achieve it. The goal of Recovery is a full integration into all aspects of community life. The individual may still experience symptoms but will have the tools to manage these and manage life in general within the community, in much the same way that many a diabetic can manage their symptoms and lifestyle without the need to be a hospital patient.

Such Social Inclusion may also require further education of some sectors of our community, regarding mental illness and wellness, to reduce the amount of stigma that can, still, impede an individuals progress. However such education is likely to be of lasting benefit to the community as a whole, by promoting mental wellness and a healthy lifestyle.

Dave Baron, ex-service user and volunteer for Dorset Health Care Trust, is involved in a number of Recovery Groups, provides IT skills training and is web-master for the CRS Service Users site at Blog2012
Annadiane Blog36143

Debt Consolidation Loans Make Life Simple And Easy

Have debts left you helpless and unable to have stability in your life? Well then it is time for you to think of a solution to these multiple debts. Looking for an answer, debt consolidation loans come out to be the most convincing of them all. With the debt consolidation loans, you can come out of your debt problems without any hassles.

Debt consolidation loans help in the removal of the multiple debts of a borrower which he is not able to repay at that point of time. More than two debts amounting to more than 5000 can be consolidated using debt consolidation loans.

The debt consolidation loans unify all the debts of the borrower that he owes to various lenders and pays all of them with a lump sum payment. Now the borrower has only one loan to repay which is the debt consolidation loan. All this reduces the hassles of the borrower considerably.

The debt consolidation loans provide various benefits to the borrower like:

* Unification of multiple debts into one single loan
* Reduces monthly installments payable by the borrower
* Saves money as the loan is borrowed at a lower interest rate.
* Hassle free processing
* Can help in improvement of bad credit history

Bad credit score, CCJs, arrears and defaults do not impede the borrowers from taking up debt consolidation loans. Although they are offered slightly higher rates but that can be cut down by proper research for the loan which can be done online.

Debt consolidation loans can prove to be the appropriate choice for borrowers having debts amounting to more than 5000. However borrowers are suggested to spend with more care in the future so that such conditions are not created again.

So, an apt choice can do wonders for the financial status. Opting for debt consolidation loan can improve the financial condition of a borrower and reduces his hassles.

Peter Taylor is a senior financial analyst at LoansUK with an acumen for finance and insurance. In recent years he has taken up to provide independant financial advice through his informative articles.To find Debt Consolidation Loans, secured Loans, unsecured loans, personal loans, personal loans UK, secured loans UK, unsecured loans UK open that best suits your need visit Blog71727
Aubrie Blog23503

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